lis and husband

Hello! I am Lis, and I moved to America in 2021 to join my husband amid the COVID-19 pandemic. I was from Singapore, the tiny dot in South East Asia, and I never had to cook anything until I moved to Australia and Denmark for studies in 2015. Even then, I rarely cooked anything complicated. My husband is American, and he has been a vegan for nearly a decade now. I am not a vegan, but I always had a restricted diet due to food intolerances and sensitivities; now, I rarely eat non-vegan food.

I don’t pretend to be an expert in cooking, and I am sharing the vegan recipes that I adapt from non-vegan recipes (duly credited to the source whenever possible) or recreated from memories based on my mom’s homecooked meals. My motivation to cook is purely to share my food experiences with my husband; food is the most fundamental existence of any experience in any given culture. Many of the foods I grew up eating are not vegan; instead of sharing the stories in words, I hope to create a vegan version of some of my favorite foods and invite my husband to taste my life.

I hope you find my recipes easy to follow, but I apologize for the lack of professionally made videos and photos while juggling the different roles. I write for mental and psychological health platforms on mental health topics in my spare time, and I hope to earn pocket money from selling knitted items. My husband and I have a common boss named Miss Lemon, sometimes known as Naughty Kitty! She decides how I spend my time.